Third year in a row that we host our July Tercer Jueves at the exhilarating M1 Concourse and what a turnout!
This year the MHCC partnered with the National Veteran Business Development Council - NVBDC and the Veteran Owned Business Roundtable This partnership allowed us to learn more about these two organizations and promote diversity, equity and inclusion as we learned about the benefits of hiring Hispanic and Veteran professionals.
Maj. Rebecca Rodriguez, from the Michigan National Guard inspired attendees with her personal and professional story. Her mom, Rachel raised her children as a single mom while working in the fields in Michigan. Maj. Rodriguez emphasized how her mom’s hard work and consistency is something she also practices in the military and a key contributor to her success. Maj. Rodriguez expressed how she has witnessed the commitment and effort Hispanics tend to put in their work to achieve their dreams. She also highlighted how Veterans learn that discipline is key to victory. She encouraged attendees to hire Hispanics and Veterans and be witness of the great things these groups can bring to their organizations.
Guests enjoyed the exhilarating Thrill Rides in the fast Dodge Challengers and Chargers, the delicious Colombian empanadas from our member Rositas Treats, the great food of Imperial Foodtruck, the 360 degrees videos thanks to Wallace Photography and awesome music from Hispanic DJ SACUERVO. Some lucky attendees left hand full of raffle prizes that included:
- 4 E-tickets to Detroit Tigers Game & Parking pass
- 4 tickets to Detroit Tigers Game, Harold Castro Autographed Photograph & Fiesta Tigres Jersey - THANKS Detroit Tigers!
- 2 Tickets for the American Speed Festival
- Round of golf for one (1) Foursome at Plum Hollow Country Club.
- Lunch with Stellantis Head of Supplier Diversity and Purchasing Communications
This event was possible thanks to the generous and active sponsorship of Stellantis. Our Board Member, Bashar Cholagh and his team, especially Alejandra Lorenzo were key to the ideation and execution of this year’s event.
96% of the surveyed attendees said they would recommend this event, if you didn’t participate this year, keep it on your radar for 2023!
Address: 1700 Harmon Rd Suite One
Auburn Hills, MI 48326
Billing Address: PO Box 397, New Baltimore, MI 48047